Filters are the biggest name in aftermarket performance
foam air filters. All induction kits, Viper kits and
replacement filters are in our on-line
shop at 10% discount! That's up to £25
off a Viper kit.
At the heart of the unique pipercross air filter is
a specially developed polyurethane foam which acts as
the filtration medium, having both higher performance
and life expectancy than paper.
Pipercross reticulated foam is created by a chemical
reaction, it is then placed in a gas filled combustion
chamber where a controlled explosion burns away any
complete cell walls in the material to form a skeletal
cellular structure which is strictly quality controlled.
This process, which is specified by Pipercross ensures
that the foam consists of tiny open cells which trap
The cell size of the foam, its porosity, is measured
in Pores Per Inch (PPI). Pipercross air filters use
up to six layers of foam with varying porosity descending
in pore size in the direction of air flow.
The Pipercross filters long life span is due to the
dirt storage capacity of the foam cells and the filters
construction which means no air passage is blocked until
all the cells in a layer of foam are completely filled.
It is designed to hold contaminants in the filters outer
layer, inner layers act as a secondary measure to ensure
an exceptionally high level of engine protection.