Tuning Tips

Most people want to start with gaining more power through fitting exhausts and induction kits. But please rememebr that if you're going to go faster you need to stop faster. So you must also consider uprating your brakes. You also need to consider suspension so that when you accelerate harder and stop harder that you can keep it all under control.

It is important to note that any quotes of power gains tend to be under perfect circumstances assuming that other mods have taken place and that the engine is in very good condition. For instance, fitting a cam and leaving the original restrictive air filter and exhaust in place will not release a quoted 12bhp. On the other hand fitting a number of power enhancing items will not release as much additional power as simply adding each of the gains up to give a total. What we can say, is that there will definitely be an improvement if fitted correctly and each of the improvements will compliment the others.

Air Filters
Air Filters
Engine Tuning
Engine Tuning
Performance Exhausts
Performance Brakes